We want you to keep that beautiful smile, but understand that sometimes there is an overwhelming fear of the dental office. Did you know that we offer a service that can help?

What is this service?

Nitrous oxide is a gas that is safe for all ages.  It can be an effective way to help some people calm their anxiety involved with dental appointments. You may have heard nitrous oxide referred to as laughing gas or happy gas. This is because it can give you a sense of euphoria and or giddiness. Nitrous oxide is fast acting with a quick recover, meaning you would not need a driver and can return to normal activities. It is combined with oxygen and inhaled through a nasal mask. Once your appointment is complete you will be place on oxygen for a few minutes and you can continue about your day.

If you have tried this before, you may remember the nasal mask being bulky, heavy and uncomfortable. We have recently upgraded our system to make your dental nitrous oxide experience better.



Why is this New system better for me?


This new delivery style allows the assistant to fit the mask to you with several sizes to choose from. Unlike our old system which offered a one-size fits all mask.




The new low profile mask is light weight, less bulky, sterile, and allows the doctor to have high visibility and ease of access.




Our office team is here for you! We want to help make your dental experience positive!